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Retirement Planning with Mutual Funds

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Indian Equity markets are outperforming global equity markets for several years now.

More and more Indians are earning more money and are also saving at levels never seen before.

Indians are more financially literate than ever before.

Many Indians are nows seriously planning their retirement fund building right from the moment they earned their first salary.

Because of ease of investing and manging, mutual fund is the instrument of choice for retirement corpus building for many.

Mutual Funds have several features and tools that helps you in building a corpus for yor retirement.

Availability of options

There are several ways of planning retirement with mutual funds.

Firstly, there are a separate class of mutual fund schemes that are dedicated to retirement planning.

Secondly, we can even invest in a diversified mutual fund for a long period of time to built a kitty which, post retirement can be redeeme with a SWP.

Thirdly, the concept of Life Stage planning can easily be planned with mutual funds.

Fourth, am investor who closely tracks markets can move funds from Equity to Debt and vice-versa according to moments with the tap of buttons in a mobile app and maximise wealth creation.

Those who are skeptic of the performance of equity markets, can use Mutual funds as a complementary or as an add-on to their other retirement options.

Finally, mutual funds are more tax efficient than most other equity-oriented retirement saving instruments available.

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