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Equity Mutual Funds

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HomePersonal FinanceMutual FundsEquity

Mid cap Funds or Multip cap Funds?

If investor is unsure of duration of doing or holding the investment, multi caps are better. They are for all-seasons and are actively managed.

Mid caps focus only on mid cap companies.. As per new SEBI definition, the space is top 101 to 250 companies as per market cap. These are suitable for 5 to 8 years investment.

These are a bit more riskier than multi caps but if fund manager can work well, given superior returns too.

So, the answer is: Depends on investment time frame and risk appetite of investor

Do Mid and Small cap funds require more monitoring than Large cap funds

In a way yes. Equity mutual fund schemes that invest in mid and small cap equities are more volatile and give more sharply positive or negative returns that the market average. Hence, it is good if you can periodically monitor your investments in these funds, typically every 3 to 5 years and then take an objective call.

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HomePersonal FinanceMutual FundsEquity